I have lost my life companion and my best friend. The boys have lost a terrific mom. And you all have lost a wonderful friend too.
Thursday July 8, 2004 was the hardest day of my life. But I'd like to share that Kathleen was ready to go. And she went peacefully and quickly, with me holding her tightly and her closest family with her too at the time she needed us the most. We listened to beautiful music and to a wonderful blessing as we said goodbye.
The boys also had a chance to see her again and to say goodbye earlier in the day. This was a tough decision for me to make but I think it was the best way for them to have closure. They are sad and trying to make sense of this all. But they know we are there for them. Always.
We will be planning a life celebration party for Kathleen's family and friends in August. She always told me she'd want a memorable event, full of fun, laughter and life. Her family always has a reunion every few years and this one will be extra special. Please call/email me for details in a week or so.
During this time, I've come to know Kathy's great circle of friends and to know her family just a bit better too. She is 1 of 30+ first-cousins and with 20 years in her profession there is a lot to know. It's always hard for an outsider to join a family. And it is so true that when you marry you get more than just the person--you get the whole family and set of friends. Whether you want them or not. In her case, this is a great thing. Her many friends and family have rallied to our aid. Wish the circumstances were not so, but it is nice to have this support.
As many of you know, she fought systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) for the past four years. Click HERE for more information on this disease.
Kathy was in the hospital since May 11 due to complications from her drug therapy. She was able to walk in and for most of the time was doing well. She was receiving many visitors and calls. But hospitals are really no place for a sick person. And she just ran out of time.
On Monday June 14, she was moved to ICU due to an acute infection and severe respiratory distress. She was heavily medicated to allow her to be evaluated to determine her treatment options. There were some hopeful signs that she could make it. But it finally became clear that time was not on her side.
If you'd like to send cards, please send them to our home. If you need to talk to me, call my cell phone or leave a message at home. You can also email me at rjmans@swbell.net (my email has a spam blocker so you may have to respond to its challenge) I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Sorry I can't post the other contact info to the blog site...
Thank you for your thoughts, your assistance and your prayers during this time.
Rodger and family
I got a call from Mark Randall about the awards you and he received at the last MCMA meeting. It was great to hear that you two remembered me during your conversations. Mark explained your serious health condition. Please know that I fondly remember those MCMA Assistants' meetings (a simpler place and time, when we knew how to solve all of the world's problems), and also know that my thoughts are with you and your family.
RICK CURNEAL, former Assistant Administrator of Lee's Summit
Rog, candle still burning,
Just don't burn yours at both ends. Send Kathy& kid's our love E&E
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